Alex De Kok

July 13, 2023 - As some of you have no doubt realised, I'm writing again, albeit very slowly. My late wife was a writer as well, although not on Literotica, and I think she would have wanted me to continue.

May 24, 2021 - I haven't posted anything for some time now, and it may well be that I never do again. I lost my beloved wife in November 2019, very suddenly, and I am still trying to come to terms with this. Writing erotic fiction doesn't seem important any more, if it ever was.

July 24, 2019 - Apologies again for not posting anything for a while. There's nothing like a near-death experience to cause one to reappraise priorities! Writing erotic fiction suddenly seemed trivial. But I enjoy writing or as a well-known author put it, "I enjoy having written", and I convinced myself that an hour or so every now and then can only be a Good Thing. Unfortunately, I tire easily and concentration is difficult, but I'll keep plugging on.

August 20, 2014 - Apologies for not posting anything for some time now, but I've been rather poorly. Better now, but the urge to write is low.

March 8, 2013 - The 'Give me the man' series is not going well for me at the moment, so it could be some time before any more parts are posted. Sorry about that, but that's a writer's life for you!

Some of my stories are linked, and not obviously. A reader suggested that I add the relevant information here. Sometimes, the obvious has to be pointed out to me! Okay, here goes.

'A Date For The Prom' is followed by 'Tell Me I Can Hope'

'Aunt Ellen' Parts 1 -5 are followed by 'Laying The Ghost'. You might like to note that 'Change of Plan' by my alter-ego, Frederick Carol, comes between parts 2 and 3 of 'Aunt Ellen', and involves some of the same characters.

The 'Rhonda' stories should be read in the order, Rescuing, Romping, Releasing.

'Okay, baby, we'll do it' and 'French Kissing for Girls' tell the story of the same day from the POV of mother and daughter. 'French Kissing for girls - and Boys' follows.

'Welcome to our bed, Goody Two Shoes' is followed by 'Goody Two Shoes makes a friend'.

The 'Spoils of Victory' stories should be read in the order 'SOV - Prologue', 'SOV', 'SOV - Epilogue' and 'SOV - A new beginning'.

'What are friends for' is followed by 'That makes two of us' [Both of these stories are themselves sequels to 'Be gentle with her' which has been withdrawn as it is now published in an anthology]

Anything else should either be stand alone or obviously linked by part order, except that Kathy Kowalski, who appears in a cameo role in 'What you see is what you get', has her own story in 'Kowalski gets her man'.



NE England



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